德国将增加对以色列的武器供应,回应对减少运送的批评。 Germany will increase arms supplies to Israel, addressing criticism of reduced deliveries.
德国总理奥拉夫·舍尔茨在批评今年的交货量减少之后,宣布德国不久将增加向以色列供应的武器。 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that Germany will soon increase arms supplies to Israel, following criticism of reduced deliveries this year. 反对派领导人指责政府故意拖延出口,特别是弹药和坦克部件的出口。 Opposition leaders accused the government of intentionally delaying exports, particularly for ammunition and tank parts. Scholz强调,对武器出口进行逐案审查,遵守国际法和安全考虑,并重申德国承诺支持以色列的自卫权。 Scholz emphasized that arms exports are reviewed case-by-case, adhering to international law and security considerations, and reaffirmed Germany's commitment to support Israel's right to self-defense.