德国总理舒尔茨反对在内外压力下向乌克兰提供远程导弹。 German Chancellor Scholz opposes supplying Ukraine with long-range missiles, amid internal and external pressure.
德国总理奥拉夫·舍尔茨仍然反对向乌克兰提供远程金牛座导弹,尽管得到其他德国官员的支持,也遭到乌克兰和波兰领导人的批评。 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz remains opposed to supplying Ukraine with long-range Taurus missiles, despite support from other German officials and criticism from Ukrainian and Polish leaders. 美国允许乌克兰使用远程导弹,但Scholz担心情况会升级。 The US has allowed Ukraine to use long-range missiles, but Scholz fears escalation. 德国副总理罗伯特·哈贝克(Robert Habeck),竞选总理,承诺在当选后提供导弹,这与Scholz的立场不同。 German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, running for chancellor, pledges to supply the missiles if elected, contrasting with Scholz's stance.