10月12日,由于强风,蓝桥康纳马拉渡轮与皮克顿的怀托希码头相撞,造成轻微损坏. On October 12, the Bluebridge Connemara ferry collided with Picton's Waitohi Wharf due to strong winds, causing minor damage.
由于强风,Bluebridge Connemara 渡轮于 10 月 12 日与皮克顿的怀托希码头相撞,对码头的护舷造成轻微损坏。 The Bluebridge Connemara ferry collided with Picton's Waitohi Wharf on October 12 due to strong winds, causing minor damage to the wharf's fendering. 渡轮乘客报告影响最小,并赞扬船员的反应。 The ferry's passengers reported minimal impact and praised the crew's response. 这一事件是在9月份发生停电事件之后发生的,需要将渡轮拖回惠灵顿。 This incident follows a power loss event in September, requiring the ferry to be towed back to Wellington. 新西兰海事部门已接到通知,修理工作正在进行中。 Maritime New Zealand has been notified, and repairs are underway. 该区域的强风造成轮渡持续中断。 Strong winds in the region have contributed to ongoing ferry disruptions.