由于天气恶劣,新西兰库克群岛海峡的6个渡轮过境点被取消。 Six ferry crossings in Cook Strait, New Zealand, were cancelled due to severe weather.
新西兰库克群岛海峡的6个渡轮过境点因强风和大浪而被取消,其中1个只有货运。 Six ferry crossings in New Zealand's Cook Strait were cancelled due to strong winds and large swells, with one running as freight-only. 岛际和蓝桥公司为受影响的客户提供替代航行。 Interislander and Bluebridge are offering alternate sailings for affected customers. Met Service预测暴风雨将持续到星期一晚上, 风速高达50海里。 MetService predicts the stormy conditions will last until Monday evening, with winds up to 50 knots. 建议乘客在晕船时采取预防措施。 Passengers are advised to take precautions against seasickness.