恶劣天气取消了库克群岛海峡渡轮渡渡渡口,影响到节假日回程旅客。 Bad weather cancels Cook Strait ferry crossings, affecting holiday return travelers.
南方风暴造成的恶劣天气导致库克海峡的渡轮航线在1月4日被取消,影响了返回工作的度假者. Bad weather caused by a southerly front led to the cancellation of several Cook Strait ferry crossings on January 4, affecting holidaymakers returning to work. 由于大浪和强风,岛际间船取消了两次航行,将乘客改派到其他时间。 Interislander cancelled two sailings due to large swells and strong winds, reassigning passengers to other times. Bluebridge警告说,可能会出现延误和不适。 Bluebridge warned of possible delays and discomfort. 预计到1月14日,海上状况将恶化,轮渡公司将优先注意安全,并向乘客提供咨询,以准备过海。 Sea conditions are expected to worsen until January 14, with ferry companies prioritizing safety and advising passengers to prepare for rough seas.