新诺迪斯克与地方政府、学术界和非营利组织合作,发起了一项250M DKK倡议,即 " COPI " 倡议,旨在与地方政府、学术界和非营利组织合作,在处境不利的城市社区消除儿童肥胖症。 Novo Nordisk launches COPI, a 250M DKK initiative to combat childhood obesity in disadvantaged urban communities, partnering with local governments, academia, and non-profits.
诺沃诺迪斯克大学推出了《儿童肥胖预防倡议》,以防治全世界六个城市城市弱势城市社区6-13岁儿童肥胖症。 Novo Nordisk has introduced the Childhood Obesity Prevention Initiative (COPI) to combat obesity in children aged 6-13 from disadvantaged urban communities across six cities worldwide. 三年投资超过2.5亿丹麦克朗,该倡议与地方政府、学术机构和非营利组织结成伙伴关系,促进体育活动和健康饮食。 With an investment exceeding 250 million Danish kroner over three years, the initiative partners with local governments, academic institutions, and non-profits to promote physical activity and healthy eating. 其目的是根据强有力的循证框架评价干预措施。 It aims to evaluate interventions based on a robust evidence-based framework.