日本8月份经常账户盈余3.8万亿日元,连续19个月出现盈余。 Japan records a 3.8 trillion yen current account surplus in August, its 19th consecutive month of surplus.
8月,日本的经常账户盈余达到创纪录的3.8万亿日元(约257亿美元),是连续19个月的顺差。 Japan achieved a record current account surplus of 3.8 trillion yen (approximately $25.7 billion) in August, marking the 19th month of consecutive surplus. 这一增长主要是由于日元贬值增加了海外子公司的股息支付。 This increase is largely due to the yen's depreciation, which enhanced dividend payments from overseas subsidiaries. 尽管货物和服务贸易出现逆差,可归因于智能手机和药品进口增加,但大量的入境旅游有助于维持旅行平衡的盈余。 Despite deficits in goods and services trade—attributable to rising imports of smartphones and pharmaceuticals—strong inbound tourism helped maintain a surplus in the travel balance.