欧洲人权法院规定,塞浦路斯侵犯两名叙利亚堂兄弟的权利,未经处理庇护申请就将他们驱逐出境;命令他们支付损害赔偿金和费用。 European Court of Human Rights rules Cyprus violated rights of 2 Syrian cousins by deporting them without processing asylum claims; ordered to pay damages and costs.
欧洲人权法院裁定,塞浦路斯将两名叙利亚堂兄弟驱逐回黎巴嫩,而未处理他们的庇护申请,侵犯了他们的权利。 The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Cyprus violated the rights of two Syrian cousins by deporting them to Lebanon without processing their asylum claims. 法院认定,塞浦路斯没有评估遣返他们的风险,在两天的海上拘留期间造成了重大痛苦。 The court found that Cyprus failed to assess the risks of returning them and caused significant distress during their two-day detention at sea. 塞浦路斯被命令向每个难民支付22 000欧元的损害赔偿金和4 700欧元的费用,这引起了人们对塞浦路斯移民政策的关切。 Cyprus was ordered to pay each refugee €22,000 in damages and €4,700 in costs, raising concerns over its immigration policies.