亲巴勒斯坦抗争者在高峰时段封锁芝加哥高速公路, 造成交通延误。 Pro-Palestinian protesters blocked a Chicago highway during rush hour, causing traffic delays.
周一上午,亲巴勒斯坦抗议者封锁了芝加哥肯尼迪高速公路(Kennedy Expressway)的俄亥俄街出口,导致高峰时段的交通严重延误。 On Monday morning, pro-Palestinian protesters blocked the Ohio Street exit off the Kennedy Expressway in Chicago, causing significant traffic delays during rush hour. 这次示威由“巴勒斯坦青年和盟友”组织,于上午8时左右开始,一直持续到警察干预,上午9时重新开放车道。 The demonstration, organized by "Palestinian Youth and Allies," began around 8 a.m. and lasted until police intervened, reopening lanes by 9 a.m. 抗议活动纪念2021年10月7日哈马斯袭击以色列,引发加沙冲突。 The protest commemorated the anniversary of the October 7, 2021, Hamas attacks in Israel, which initiated the ongoing Gaza conflict.