支持巴勒斯坦的抗议者封锁了道路,导致美国主要城市的交通中断。 Pro-Palestinian protests disrupted traffic in major US cities by blocking roads.
支持巴勒斯坦的抗议活动封锁了道路、机场和桥梁,扰乱了芝加哥、旧金山和纽约等美国主要城市的交通。 Pro-Palestinian protests disrupted traffic in major US cities, including Chicago, San Francisco, and New York, by blocking roadways, airports, and bridges. 在芝加哥,示威者封锁了通往奥黑尔国际机场的190号州际公路,抗议“为解放巴勒斯坦而进行的经济封锁”。 In Chicago, demonstrators blocked Interstate 190 leading to O'Hare International Airport in a protest called the "economic blockade to free Palestine." 由于示威者关闭了金门大桥和 880 号州际公路,旧金山湾区的交通陷入拥堵。 Traffic in the San Francisco Bay Area was snarled as demonstrators shut down the Golden Gate Bridge and Interstate 880.