温哥华的男子因在市政厅外放燃汽油车而被捕。 Man in Vancouver arrested for setting gas-filled van on fire outside City Hall.
一名男子在温哥华被捕,罪名是故意在市政厅外放火焚烧一辆装满汽油罐子的面包车。 A man was arrested in Vancouver for intentionally setting a van filled with gasoline canisters on fire outside City Hall. 10月6日下午5点15分左右报道的火灾被扑灭,里面有大约100升未燃烧汽油。 The fire, reported around 5:15 p.m. on October 6, was extinguished, revealing about 100 liters of unburned gasoline inside. 当局认为嫌疑人是单独行动,其动机仍然不明。 Authorities believe the suspect acted alone, and his motivation remains unclear. 未报告有人受伤,经调查,该区于星期一上午重新开放。 No injuries were reported, and the area was reopened by Monday morning after an investigation.