嫌犯因在华府附近发生三起火灾而被捕;没有关于受伤或结构性损坏的报告。 Suspect arrested for setting three fires in D.C. neighborhoods; no injuries or structural damage reported.
12月12日,一名嫌疑人因故意在华盛顿市肖和普莱森平原附近发生三起户外火灾而被捕。 A suspect has been arrested for intentionally setting three outdoor fires in the Shaw and Pleasant Plains neighborhoods of Washington D.C. on December 12. 由DC Fire 和 EMS 部门调查的火灾没有损坏任何建筑物或造成伤害。 The fires, investigated by the DC Fire and EMS Department, did not damage any structures or cause injuries. 调查正在进行中,尚未掌握关于嫌疑人的进一步细节。 The investigation is ongoing, and further details on the suspect are not yet available.