嫌疑人因在10月27日故意在夏洛特东北部点燃房屋而被捕, Suspect arrested for intentionally setting a house fire in northeast Charlotte on Oct 27, causing over $345k in damages.
一名嫌犯因于10月27日在夏洛特东北部故意纵火, 造成四名居民流离失所, 造成超过345 000美元的损失而被捕。 A suspect has been arrested for intentionally setting a house fire in northeast Charlotte on October 27, displacing four residents and causing over $345,000 in damages. 夏洛特消防局于上午5时45分左右作出反应,于上午6时控制了火灾。 The Charlotte Fire Department responded around 5:45 a.m., bringing the fire under control by 6 a.m. 嫌疑人受伤,被捕后接受治疗。 The suspect sustained injuries and received treatment post-arrest. 红十字会正在援助流离失所者。 The Red Cross is assisting the displaced individuals. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.