一名男子因据称在威尔希尔大道上放火而在比佛利山被捕。 A man was arrested in Beverly Hills for allegedly setting fires along Wilshire Boulevard.
一名男子因据称在洛杉矶的威尔希尔大道上放火而于星期四在比佛利山被捕。 A man was arrested on Thursday in Beverly Hills for allegedly setting fires along Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. 嫌犯被警察拘留后,在监控录像中被抓住,用一把火炬点燃垃圾火。 Detained by police, the suspect was caught on surveillance video using a torch to ignite rubbish fires. 当局大约早上7时15分对事件作出反应,但没有透露嫌疑人身份或动机的细节。 Authorities responded to the incidents around 7:15 AM, but no details about the suspect's identity or motive have been disclosed. 洛杉矶乡村俱乐部在逮捕地点附近拒绝发表评论。 The Los Angeles Country Club, near the arrest site, has declined to comment.