在萨斯喀彻温被捕的男子在放火和用燃烧的煤气罐袭击两个人后被逮捕。 Man arrested in Saskatchewan after setting fires and assaulting two people with a flaming gas can.
萨斯喀彻温省阿尔贝王子市一名31岁的男子在据称他放火焚烧车辆并向两个人投掷燃烧的气体罐后被捕,造成无生命危险的伤害。 A 31-year-old man in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, has been arrested after he allegedly set vehicles on fire and threw a flaming gas can at two people, causing non-life-threatening injuries. 嫌犯是在一系列涉及纵火和攻击的事件之后被捕的。 The suspect was apprehended after a series of incidents involving arson and assault. 他面临指控,包括用武器殴打、纵火和未能在事故现场停留。 He faces charges including assault with a weapon, arson, and failure to stop at the scene of an accident.