印度尼西亚对来自中国、韩国和台湾的平板铁制品征收反倾销税,从4.4%至7.9%不等,直至2029年。 Indonesia imposes anti-dumping duties on flat-rolled iron products from China, SKorea, and Taiwan, ranging 4.4-7.9%, until 2029.
印度尼西亚将对来自中国、韩国和台湾的某些平板铁制品征收反倾销税,从下周起生效。 Indonesia will impose anti-dumping duties on certain flat-rolled iron products from China, South Korea, and Taiwan, effective next week. 这些关税从4.4%到7.9%不等,将加在现有关税中,并将一直维持到2029年。 These duties, ranging from 4.4% to 7.9%, will be added to existing tariffs and will remain in place until 2029. 该决定的目的是,在对印度尼西亚倾销做法给这些国家造成的损失进行调查之后,保护印度尼西亚国内的铁工业不受不公平竞争的影响。 The decision aims to protect Indonesia's domestic iron industry from unfair competition, following an investigation into losses caused by dumping practices from these countries.