马来西亚对四个亚洲国家大面积的平板钢进口征收临时关税。 Malaysia imposes temporary duties on wide flat-rolled steel imports from four Asian countries.
马来西亚对来自中国、印度、日本和韩国的平板钢铁进口征收临时反倾销税。 Malaysia has imposed temporary anti-dumping duties on flat-rolled steel imports from China, India, Japan, and South Korea. 这些关税从2.52%到36.80%不等,适用于600毫米宽的钢铁产品,从1月11日起生效,最长为120天。 The duties, ranging from 2.52% to 36.80%, apply to steel products over 600mm wide and are effective from January 11th for up to 120 days. 这些措施是在一家国内生产商于8月提出请愿之后采取的,声称进口品的销售低于市场价格,损害了当地工业。 The measures follow an August petition by a domestic producer, claiming imports were sold below market prices, harming the local industry. 预计到5月10日将作出最后决定。 A final decision is expected by May 10th.