印度对中国和越南的太阳能玻璃征收反倾销税,以保护当地生产者。 India imposes anti-dumping duties on solar glass from China and Vietnam to protect local producers.
印度从2024年12月4日起,对从中国和越南进口太阳能玻璃实行六个月的临时反倾销税。 India has imposed provisional anti-dumping duties on solar glass imports from China and Vietnam for six months, starting December 4, 2024. 此举旨在保护Borosil可再生能源公司等国内生产商,其股份价格在公告后上涨8%。 This move aims to protect domestic producers like Borosil Renewables, whose share price rose 8% following the announcement. 这些关税针对不公平的贸易做法,并回应来自中国和越南的进口占印度太阳能玻璃进口的近98%的投诉,威胁当地制造业。 The duties target unfair trade practices and respond to a complaint that imports from China and Vietnam made up almost 98% of India's solar glass imports, threatening local manufacturing.