5 周大的 Ruadhán Bradshaw-Hall 在都柏林的婴儿背带中死于 SIDS;提出潜在链接以获得进一步的认识和资源。 5-week-old Ruadhán Bradshaw-Hall died from SIDS while in a baby sling in Dublin; potential link raised for further awareness and resources.
都柏林的一项调查显示,2022 年 12 月,五周大的 Ruadhán Bradshaw-Hall 在用婴儿背带抱着时死于婴儿猝死综合症 (SIDS)。 An inquest in Dublin revealed that five-week-old Ruadhán Bradshaw-Hall died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) while being carried in a baby sling in December 2022. 一位病理学家指出了与吊带和 SIDS 相关的潜在风险。 A pathologist noted a potential risk linked to slings and SIDS. 验尸官计划与卫生服务行政部门一起提高对这些风险的认识,以及需要为新父母提供更好的信息。 The coroner plans to raise awareness with the Health Service Executive about these risks and the need for better information for new parents. 家庭强调在这个问题上获得资源的重要性。 The family emphasized the importance of accessible resources on this issue.