一名验尸官发现,由于爱尔兰的子宫破裂,没有机会预防一个大婴儿死亡。 A coroner found missed chances to prevent a large baby's death due to a ruptured uterus in Ireland.
验尸官的调查发现,“错失的机会”本可以防止一个名叫Rú的大婴儿死亡。 A coroner's inquiry found "missed opportunities" that could have prevented the death of a large baby named Rú. 她母亲的子宫在爱尔兰Mullingar的米德兰地区医院分娩期间破裂, 婴儿于2020年死亡。 The baby died in 2020 after her mother's uterus ruptured during labor at the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar, Ireland. 计划进行的发育扫描没有进行,这会使医生注意到婴儿的体积很大。 A planned growth scan was not performed, which would have alerted doctors to the baby's large size. 医院道歉,并记录了医疗事故的判决。 The hospital apologized and a verdict of medical misadventure was recorded.