175 000个苏格兰能源客户由于无线电电讯服务仪表退役,到2025年有可能失去供暖和热水系统。 175,000 Scottish energy customers risk losing heating and hot water systems by 2025 due to decommissioning of Radio Teleswitching Service meters.
苏格兰约175 000个能源客户由于无线电电讯交换服务(RTS)仪表过时,有可能失去对其供暖和热水系统的控制。 Approximately 175,000 Scottish energy customers risk losing control of their heating and hot water systems due to outdated Radio Teleswitching Service (RTS) meters. 使用长波无线电信号管理电费的RTS将于2025年6月30日退役。 The RTS, which uses long-wave radio signals to manage electricity rates, will be decommissioned by June 30, 2025. 联合王国能源监管机构Ofgem正在敦促快速更换计量,以防止中断,并呼吁能源公司在升级过程中优先考虑弱势消费者。 Ofgem, the UK's energy regulator, is urging swift meter replacements to prevent disruptions and has called on energy companies to prioritize vulnerable consumers in the upgrade process.