由于高额账单,近400万英国家庭今年冬季可以将其收入的30%以上花在能源上。 Nearly 4 million UK households could spend over 30% of their income on energy this winter due to high bills.
大约700,000个使用预付费用表的英国家庭去年冬天面临能源断电问题。 Around 700,000 UK households using pre-payment meters faced energy disconnections last winter. 由于新的能源价格上限定为1 738英镑,估计有400万家庭依赖私人生产项目,今年冬季可能将其收入的30%以上花在能源上。 With the new energy price cap set at £1,738, an estimated four million households relying on PPMs may spend over 30% of their income on energy this winter. 英国天然气能源支持基金、冷天气付款计划和八角能源10英镑紧急信贷等援助方案旨在帮助那些身陷高额账单困境的人。 Assistance programs like British Gas's Energy Support Fund, the Cold Weather Payment scheme, and Octopus Energy's £10 emergency credit aim to help those struggling with high bills.