1 000万个英国家庭敦促在10月1日之前提交计米读数,以避免因价格上涨10%而多付。 10 million UK households urged to submit meter readings by Oct 1 to avoid overpayments due to a 10% price increase.
在联合王国,建议1 000万户家庭在10月1日之前向供应商提交能源计读数,以防止与即将上涨10%的价格有关的超额支付。 In the UK, 10 million households are advised to submit energy meter readings to suppliers before October 1 to prevent overpayments linked to a forthcoming 10% price increase. 不提供准确的读数可能导致消费者能源成本上升。 Not providing accurate readings may lead to higher energy costs for consumers.