总统Joe Biden面临压力,要援引1947年的《塔夫特-哈特利法》进行码头工人罢工,影响美国36个港口。 President Joe Biden faces pressure to invoke the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act for a dockworker strike affecting 36 US ports.
乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统面临来自制造商的压力,要求其援引1947年的《塔夫脱-哈特利法案》(Taft-Hartley Act),因为一场涉及45,000名码头工人的罢工已关闭了36个美国港口。 President Joe Biden faces pressure from manufacturers to invoke the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act amid a strike involving 45,000 dockworkers that has closed 36 U.S. ports. 该法允许总统寻求80天的冷却期,以帮助解决被视为国家紧急情况的劳资纠纷。 The act permits a president to seek an 80-day cooling-off period to help resolve labor disputes deemed a national emergency. 尽管Biden在历史上曾使用过,但他声明他不会干预,将他从有组织劳工那里得到的支持置于外部压力的优先位置。 Despite its historical use, Biden has stated he will not intervene, prioritizing his support from organized labor over external pressures.