3.1 加利福尼亚州安大略附近发生地震袭击,这是地震活动增加的一部分。 3.1 magnitude earthquake strikes near Ontario, California, part of increased seismic activity.
3.1级地震于星期二下午12时56分在加利福尼亚安大略附近发生,深度3.5英里。 A magnitude 3.1 earthquake struck near Ontario, California, on Tuesday at 12:56 p.m., with a depth of 3.5 miles. 它在周边地区引起了轻微的震动,包括 Rancho Cucamonga 和 Fontana。 It caused light shaking in surrounding areas, including Rancho Cucamonga and Fontana. 这次地震是最近南加利福尼亚州地震活动增加趋势的一部分,上星期发生了几起3.0级或以上的地震。 This quake is part of a recent trend of increased seismic activity in Southern California, with several earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or higher occurring in the past week. 鼓励居民为今后的地震做好准备,配备必要的应急包。 Residents are encouraged to prepare for future quakes with essential emergency kits.