2023年阿尔伯塔航空事故造成6名加尔加利亚人死亡,原因是可见度差,飞行员对天气的误解. 2023 Alberta plane crash kills six Calgarians due to poor visibility and pilot's misunderstanding of weather.
2023年7月在加拿大阿尔伯塔发生的一起飞机毁事件,造成6名前往教会活动的加尔加利亚人死亡. A July 2023 plane crash in Alberta, Canada, killed six Calgarians traveling to a church event. 运输安全委员会的调查发现,主要因素是能见度低和飞行员对天气了解不全。 The Transportation Safety Board's investigation found that poor visibility and the pilot's incomplete understanding of the weather were major factors. 飞行员依靠在线气象来源而不是来自加拿大的简报, 面临时间压力和个人完成飞行的愿望. The pilot, who relied on online weather sources instead of a briefing from Nav Canada, faced time pressure and personal desire to complete the flight. 飞机坠落到麦吉利夫雷山时,所有6名乘客都丧生。 All six occupants perished when the plane crashed into Mount McGillivray.