苏格兰将最低酒精单价提高到65p, 以遏制与酒精有关的死亡率上升。 Scotland raised its minimum unit price for alcohol to 65p to combat rising alcohol-related deaths.
苏格兰将酒精的最低单位价格从50p提高到65p,这是联合王国的最高比率,以遏制与酒精有关的死亡率上升,2021年,酒精死亡率达到15年高峰,达到1 277人。 Scotland has raised its minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol from 50p to 65p, the highest rate in the UK, to combat rising alcohol-related deaths, which reached a 15-year peak of 1,277 in 2021. 虽然这一增长旨在减少消费,并据报自最初实行以来拯救了156条生命,但卫生倡导者敦促采取进一步行动,包括每年对通货膨胀作出调整,并在行业退步时实行更严格的营销条例。 While the increase aims to reduce consumption and has reportedly saved 156 lives since its initial introduction, health advocates urge further action, including annual adjustments for inflation and stricter marketing regulations, amid industry pushback.