大都会温哥华HandyDART工会批准了新的集体谈判协议,结束了为期20天的罢工。 Metro Vancouver HandyDART workers' union ratifies new collective bargaining agreement, ending a 20-day strike.
代表大温哥华地区约 600 名 HandyDART 工人的合并运输工会 Local 1724 已批准与 TransDev 达成一项新的集体谈判协议,结束了从 9 月初开始的为期 20 天的罢工。 The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1724, representing about 600 HandyDART workers in Metro Vancouver, has ratified a new collective bargaining agreement with TransDev, ending a 20-day strike that began in early September. 协议包括增加工资,并通过修订轮班时间安排和报告,解决对使用出租车的关切。 The agreement includes wage increases and addresses concerns regarding the use of taxis through revised shift scheduling and reporting. 工会认为这是提高工人权利和服务质量的一项重大成就。 The union views this as a significant achievement enhancing workers' rights and service quality.