600名HandyDART工人在温哥华大都会罢工18天,达成临时协议,增加工资和改善人员配备。 600 HandyDART workers in Metro Vancouver strike for 18 days, reach tentative agreement for wage increase and staffing improvements.
在经历了 18 天的罢工后,Amalgamated Transit Union 已与 Transdev 就大温哥华地区的 HandyDART 工人达成临时协议。 The Amalgamated Transit Union has reached a tentative agreement with Transdev for HandyDART workers in Metro Vancouver after an 18-day strike. 自9月初以来,约有600名雇员停止了几乎所有服务,但基本医疗旅行除外。 About 600 employees halted nearly all services, except essential medical trips, since early September. 新合同包括大幅提高工资,旨在解决工作人员短缺和与与其他区域过境工作相比工资不足有关的高营业率问题。 The new contract includes significant wage increases and aims to resolve staffing shortages and high turnover linked to inadequate pay compared to other regional transit jobs. 很快将进行批准投票。 A ratification vote will occur soon.