法国和德国提出一项新的欧盟-联合王国移民协议,将欧盟工人和学生的布雷契特后规则与遏制非正常海峡过境点的努力联系起来。 France and Germany propose a new EU-UK migration deal linking post-Brexit rules for EU workers and students to efforts to curb irregular Channel crossings.
法国和德国正在敦促欧盟与联合王国谈判一项新的移民交易,将欧盟工人和学生在布雷斯特后改进的规则与遏制非正常通道过境点的努力联系起来。 France and Germany are urging the EU to negotiate a new migration deal with the UK, linking improved post-Brexit rules for EU workers and students to efforts to curb irregular Channel crossings. 联合信函强调联合王国必须作出让步,特别是在庇护政策方面。 A joint letter emphasizes the need for concessions from the UK, particularly regarding asylum policies. 这项举措与英国现任政府向欧盟的外交外联工作是一致的,尽管任何协议都需要欧盟所有成员国的一致批准,这可能具有挑战性。 This initiative aligns with the UK’s current government’s diplomatic outreach to the EU, although any agreement would require unanimous approval from all EU member states, which may be challenging.