巴里·安德鲁斯主张紧急改革欧盟移民系统以解决庇护人数增加的问题。 Barry Andrews advocates for urgent EU migration system overhaul to address increased asylum numbers.
都柏林欧洲议会议员巴里·安德鲁斯表示,尽管欧盟的移民制度并不完善,但为了应对庇护人数的增加,欧盟迫切需要对移民制度进行改革。 Dublin MEP Barry Andrews says the overhaul of the EU's migration system, despite being imperfect, is urgently needed to handle an increase in asylum numbers. 欧洲议会已投票通过这些改革,其中包括一些有争议的措施,例如对六岁以上儿童进行面部图像和指纹采集,以及在检查期间拘留人员。 The European Parliament has voted through the changes, which include controversial measures such as facial images and fingerprints of children from the age of six, and detaining people during screening. 现在,欧盟 27 个国家必须批准该改革方案,才能使其于 4 月底生效。 The 27 EU countries must now endorse the reform package for it to take force in late April.