英国计划与库尔德斯坦、土耳其和越南等国家打交道,以遏制非法移民,这反映了意大利的战略。 UK plans deals with countries like Kurdistan, Turkey, and Vietnam to curb illegal migration, mirroring Italy's strategy.
劳工政府计划与库尔德斯坦、土耳其和越南等国家谈判“合作与安全”协定, 以减少非法移民, Labour's government plans to negotiate "co-operation and security" agreements with countries like Kurdistan, Turkey, and Vietnam to reduce illegal migration, inspired by Italy's strategy. 在与突尼斯和利比亚进行类似交易后,意大利的抵达人数显著下降。 Italy has seen a significant drop in arrivals after similar deals with Tunisia and Libya. 联合王国的做法旨在预防小型船只过境,但面对潜在伦理问题的批评,包括移民在虐待条件下被拘留的风险。 The UK's approach aims to prevent small-boat crossings but faces criticism over potential ethical issues, including the risk of migrants being detained in abusive conditions.