沃斯特郡Bewdley小学因暴雨洪水暂时关闭。 Bewdley Primary School in Worcestershire temporarily closed due to flood from heavy rain.
沃斯特郡的Bewdley小学由于暴雨泛滥而暂时关闭,这损害了房舍的安全,包括电动橱柜的安全。 Bewdley Primary School in Worcestershire is temporarily closed due to flooding from heavy rain, which compromised the safety of the premises, including the electric cupboard. 敦促家长从现场的Rascals儿童保育服务机构接孩子。 Parents are urged to pick up children from the on-site Rascals childcare service. 学校将随着形势的发展提供最新消息。 The school will provide updates as the situation develops. 以前,该地区处于一个安伯尔天气警报下,现在降为黄色。 Previously, the area was under an amber weather warning, now downgraded to yellow.