由于电力和供水问题,三个牛津郡的学校仍然关闭,定于星期二重新开放。 Three Oxfordshire schools remain closed due to electrical and water supply issues, set to reopen Tuesday.
由于各种问题,牛津郡的三所学校今天关闭。 Three schools in Oxfordshire are closed today due to various issues. Blackbird Leys的猎户座学院因电力问题关闭第二天。 Orion Academy in Blackbird Leys is closed for a second day due to electrical problems. 因供水问题关闭了Bishopswood学校及在阅读附近的Sonning普通小学,与水压低或阅读中无水同时关闭,可能是由于漏水。 Bishopswood School and Sonning Common Primary School near Reading are closed due to water supply issues, coinciding with low water pressure or no water in Reading, possibly due to a leak. 预计所有学校将于11月19日星期二重新开放。 All schools are expected to reopen on Tuesday, November 19.