缅甸1 700所学校由于河流水位上升造成严重水灾而暂时关闭。 1,700 schools in Myanmar close temporarily due to severe flooding from rising river levels.
据缅甸国家行政委员会信息小组称,由于伊洛瓦底河和钦德温河水位上升造成严重水灾,缅甸9个地区的1 700所学校暂时关闭。 1,700 schools in nine regions of Myanmar have temporarily closed due to severe flooding from rising water levels of the Ayeyarwady and Chindwin rivers, according to the Information Team of Myanmar's State Administration Council. 为了尽量减少教育损失,缺水后,节假日将补足缺课日。 To minimize educational loss, missed school days will be made up on holidays once the water recedes. 此外,据报全国各地有1 120所学校受到自然灾害的破坏。 Additionally, 1,120 schools have been reported damaged by natural disasters across the country.