96%的美国人担心经济问题; 27%的人为了应对压力而"消费" 96% of Americans worry about economy; 27% engage in "doom spending" to manage stress.
“末日支出”是指 Z 世代和千禧一代沉迷于奢侈品购买(如旅行和名牌商品)的趋势,以此来应对经济悲观情绪。 "Doom spending" refers to the trend among Gen Z and millennials of indulging in luxury purchases, such as travel and designer items, as a coping mechanism for economic pessimism. 2023年Intuit Credit Karma调查显示,96%的美国人担心经济,超过四分之一的人采取这种行为来应对压力. A 2023 Intuit Credit Karma survey revealed that 96% of Americans are worried about the economy, with over a quarter engaging in this behavior to manage stress. 专家们建议处理一个人与金钱的关系,并侧重于储蓄,以改善长期金融稳定。 Experts suggest addressing one's relationship with money and focusing on saving to improve long-term financial stability.