1/3的美国人,主要是千禧一代和Z世代,考虑为夏季旅行负债。 1/3 of Americans, mostly Millennials and Gen Z, consider going into debt for summer travel.
1/3计划夏季旅行的美国人,主要是千禧一代和Z世代,愿意负债来资助他们的旅行。 1/3 of Americans planning summer travel, mainly Millennials and Gen Z, are willing to go into debt to fund their trips. 47%和42%的年龄组对借钱,使用信用卡或像Affirm和Klarna这样的服务持开放态度. 47% and 42% of these age groups are open to borrowing money, using credit cards, or services like Affirm and Klarna. 这种举债行为归因于对经济和全球冲突的代际态度,因为青年人将经验放在金融稳定之上。 This debt-taking behavior is attributed to generational attitudes towards economy and global conflicts, as young people prioritize experiences over financial stability.