由于社交媒体,Z世代和千禧一代的金钱畸形越来越严重,影响了心理健康和财务状况。 Generation Z and millennials experience increasing money dysmorphia due to social media, impacting mental health and financial well-being.
金钱畸形是一个术语,指的是对个人财务状况的扭曲看法,在Z世代和千禧一代中正在增加,这通常是由社交媒体对奢侈和一夜成名的描绘所驱动的。 Money dysmorphia, a term referring to a distorted view of one's finances, is increasing among Generation Z and millennials, often driven by social media's portrayal of luxury and overnight success. 这种心理状况会导致焦虑、压力和对金钱的不满,即使对于那些财务稳定的人来说也是如此。 This psychological condition can lead to anxiety, stress, and dissatisfaction regarding money, even for those who are financially stable. 金钱畸形会引发或加剧焦虑、抑郁和饮食失调等心理健康状况,并可能造成对个人财务状况的绝望感和无能为力的感觉。 Money dysmorphia can trigger or exacerbate mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, and can create feelings of hopelessness and disempowerment about one's finances.