旁遮普野生动物局从走私者手中抓获了一只36 000美元的稀有鹰,逮捕了一名嫌疑人,并将在追踪后将其放回野外。 Punjab Wildlife Department seized a $36,000 rare eagle from smugglers, arrested a suspect, and will release it back into the wild after tracking.
巴基斯坦旁遮普省野生动物局从Taunsa的走私者手中缴获了一个稀有的鹰,价值36 000美元。 The Punjab Wildlife Department in Pakistan seized a rare eagle valued at $36,000 from smugglers in Taunsa, following a tip-off from locals. 一名嫌疑人被捕,与贩运稀有鸟类的更广泛的网络有关联。 A suspect was arrested, linked to a broader network trafficking rare birds. 健康的老鹰在被放归野外之前将配备追踪器。 The healthy eagle will be fitted with a tracker before being released back into the wild. 高级部长Maryam Aurangzeb赞扬了这次行动的成功,强调该区域正在努力打击非法野生动植物贸易。 Senior Minister Maryam Aurangzeb commended the operation's success, highlighting ongoing efforts to combat illegal wildlife trade in the region.