2023年,在曼谷机场从一名走私者的行李中查获了100多只濒危龟。 Over 100 endangered tortoises were seized from a smuggler's luggage at Bangkok's airport in 2023.
超过一百只幼龟, 包括濒危物种, 被发现藏在两年前在曼谷机场的乌克兰妇女行李中。 Over a hundred baby tortoises, including endangered species, were found hidden in a Ukrainian woman's luggage at Bangkok's airport over two years ago. 大部分乌龟都死了, 但幸存者将得到照顾, 并可能返回坦桑尼亚的自然栖息地。 Most of the tortoises died, but the surviving ones will be cared for and potentially returned to their natural habitat in Tanzania. 该走私犯在保加利亚被捕,导致又逮捕了14名嫌疑人。 The smuggler was arrested in Bulgaria, leading to the arrest of 14 more suspects. 国际刑警组织估计,非法野生动植物贸易每年价值高达200亿美元,泰国是主要枢纽。 Interpol estimates the illegal wildlife trade is worth up to $20 billion annually, with Thailand a major hub.