122个国家支持FIDE禁止俄罗斯和白俄罗斯参加国际象棋活动。 122 countries support FIDE's ban on Russia and Belarus from international chess events.
国际象棋联合会(国际象棋联合会)在布达佩斯举行大会表决,122个国家支持制裁之后,重申禁止俄罗斯和白俄罗斯参加国际象棋活动。 The International Chess Federation (FIDE) has reaffirmed its ban on Russia and Belarus from international chess events, following a general assembly vote in Budapest where 122 countries supported the sanctions. 这一决定反映了西方团结一致,在乌克兰持续冲突期间维持对俄罗斯的压力。 This decision reflects Western unity in maintaining pressure on Russia amid ongoing conflict in Ukraine. 只有21个国家,主要是前苏联各共和国和盟国,投票决定取消这项禁令,预计该禁令将在发展信息网的管理下继续有效。 Only 21 countries, primarily former Soviet republics and allies, voted to lift the ban, which is expected to remain in place under FIDE's governance.