以色列经历人才外流、企业关闭和旅游业在持续的冲突中下降。 Israel experiences brain drain, business closures, and tourism decline amid ongoing conflict.
以色列目前的冲突已导致人才外流,技术工人,包括著名研究人员,由于与战争有关的焦虑和渴望为其子女创造更安全的环境而离开欧洲。 The ongoing conflict in Israel has prompted a brain drain, with skilled workers, including notable researchers, leaving for Europe due to war-related anxiety and a desire for safer environments for their children. 尽管经济指标稳定,但人们日益关切60 000家企业可能关闭以及对以色列重要技术部门的负面影响。 Despite stable economic indicators, concerns grow over the potential closure of 60,000 businesses and the negative impact on Israel's vital tech sector. 旅游业也受到影响,旅行费用上涨影响到外国游客。 The tourism industry also suffers, with rising travel costs affecting foreign visitors.