11个月的与哈马斯的战争对以色列经济产生不利影响,造成120美元的损失。 11-month war with Hamas negatively impacts Israel's economy, causing $120bn in damages.
以色列经济正在与哈马斯持续进行11个月的战争中挣扎,这给数千家小企业、旅游业和国际对以色列经济的信任造成重大损失。 Israel's economy is struggling amidst the ongoing 11-month war with Hamas, causing significant damage to thousands of small businesses, tourism, and international trust in Israel's economy. 经济学家认为停火是制止经济破坏的最佳途径, 战争成本约达120bn, 相当于以色列GDP的20%。 Economists argue that a ceasefire would be the best way to halt the economic damage, with the war's cost reaching an estimated $120bn, or 20% of Israel's GDP. 由于紧张局势升级,主要航空公司暂停了进出以色列的航班。 Major airlines have suspended flights in and out of Israel due to the escalating tensions.