马提尼克省因生活费用高昂而引发的抗议演变成暴力,导致6名警官受伤。 Protests in Martinique over high living costs turned violent, injuring six police officers.
马提尼克岛因生活成本高昂而引发的抗议活动演变为暴力活动,导致 6 名警察因枪伤。 Protests in Martinique over high living costs turned violent, injuring six police officers from gunfire. 骚乱包括汽车燃烧、警察使用催泪瓦斯和抢劫。 The unrest included car burnings, the use of tear gas by police, and looting. 两名嫌疑人被捕,至少有一名平民因受伤住院。 Two suspects were arrested, and at least one civilian was hospitalized due to injuries. 法国政府敦促在持续示威期间保持平静, 示威活动因经济、社会和种族不平等而火上浇油, The French government has urged calm amid ongoing demonstrations fueled by economic, social, and racial inequalities, which have been a recurring issue on the island.