7月30日,Middlesbrough的极右暴力抗议导致逮捕和财产损失;抗议遍及联合王国各城市。 30 July, violent far-right protests in Middlesbrough led to arrests and property damage; protests spread across UK cities.
在英格兰的Middlesbrough,发生了涉及极右团体和反移民活动分子的暴力抗议,导致若干人被捕和重大破坏。 In Middlesbrough, England, violent protests involving far-right groups and anti-immigration activists took place, leading to several arrests and significant damage. 抗议者与警察发生冲突,导致汽车被放火焚烧,窗户被砸碎,向警察投掷导弹。 Protesters clashed with police, causing cars to be set on fire, windows smashed, and missiles thrown at officers. 自7月30日以来,骚乱已蔓延到联合王国各地的其他城镇,整个周末暴力持续不断。 The disturbances have spread to other towns and cities across the UK since 30 July, with violence continuing throughout the weekend.