荷兰警方面临针对亲巴勒斯坦示威者暴力指控的调查。 Dutch police face investigation over alleged violence against pro-Palestinian protesters.
荷兰当局正在调查警方对亲巴勒斯坦抗议者实施暴力的报告,这些人是在阿姆斯特丹被禁集会期间被拘留的。 Dutch authorities are investigating reports of police violence against pro-Palestinian protesters who were detained during a banned rally in Amsterdam. 抗议活动紧接着最近一场足球比赛产生的紧张气氛后进行。 The protest followed tensions from a recent football match. 录像显示,军官据称殴打已经获释的抗议者。 Video footage shows officers allegedly beating protesters who were already released. 总共有281人被拘留。 A total of 281 people were detained. 为了应对暴力,法国当局加强了即将举行的法国-以色列足球赛的安全。 In response to the violence, French authorities have increased security for an upcoming France-Israel soccer match.