在新喀里多尼亚的暴力抗议活动中,法国军队清除了 60 个路障。 French forces cleared 60 barricades in New Caledonia amid violent protests.
经过数日的暴力骚乱,法国军队清理了新喀里多尼亚机场与首都努美阿之间主要道路的约 60 个路障。 French forces have cleared around 60 barricades blocking the main road connecting New Caledonia's airport to its capital, Noumea, after days of violent unrest. 此次抗议活动已导致 6 人死亡,数百人受伤,起因是土著卡纳克人对宪法修正案的愤怒,该修正案将改变谁有选举资格。 The protests, which have led to six deaths and left hundreds injured, were sparked by indigenous Kanak people's anger over a constitutional amendment that will change who is allowed to participate in elections. 法国警方还发起了“骚扰”行动,以重新夺回对太平洋其他地区的控制。 French police have also launched "harrassment" raids to regain control of other parts of the Pacific territory.