在美国的斡旋下,来自 Mountain Gateway 事工的 13 名美国牧师从尼加拉瓜监狱获释。 13 American pastors from Mountain Gateway ministry released from Nicaraguan prison in U.S.-brokered deal.
作为美国中介交易的一部分,来自德州山口省13名美国牧师从尼加拉瓜监狱获释。 Thirteen American pastors from the Texas-based Mountain Gateway ministry were released from Nicaraguan prison as part of a U.S.-brokered deal. 他们被判犯有洗钱罪,并被判处12至15年徒刑。 They had been convicted of money laundering and sentenced to 12 to 15 years. 在135名政治犯中,他们获得释放,这凸显了尼加拉瓜当前的政治紧张局势。 Their release, among 135 political prisoners, highlights ongoing political tensions in Nicaragua. 美国国家安全顾问Jake Sullivan强调必须保护基本权利,包括言论自由和宗教自由。 U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan emphasized the importance of protecting fundamental rights, including free expression and religion.