妇女因在尼加拉瓜监狱大声祈祷而受到惩罚。 Women punished for praying aloud at Nicaraguan prison.
尼加拉瓜拉埃斯佩兰萨监狱的女囚犯,包括政治犯,因大声祈祷而受到惩罚。 Female prisoners at Nicaragua's La Esperanza prison, including political detainees, have faced punitive measures for praying aloud. 自一月中旬以来,他们被禁止进入户外,此前每周允许一次。 Since mid-January, they have been denied outdoor access, previously allowed once a week. 据基督教团结国际组织称,一些妇女在审讯期间遭受身体虐待,限制甚至禁止为政治犯提供圣经和书写材料。 Some women have suffered physical abuse during interrogations and restrictions extend to prohibiting Bibles and writing materials for political prisoners, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide.