Ortega的政权没收了尼加拉瓜天主教牧师的退休基金,削弱了教会。 Ortega's regime confiscated Nicaragua's Catholic priests' retirement fund, weakening the Church.
Ortega在尼加拉瓜的独裁政权已经取消并没收了用于老年天主教牧师的退休基金,进一步削弱了天主教会。 Ortega's dictatorship in Nicaragua has eliminated and confiscated a retirement fund for aging Catholic priests, further weakening the Catholic Church. 2005年成立的牧师协会保险基金每年收到牧师、教区和机构的捐款,向老年牧师提供养恤金。 The Insurance Fund for Priests Association, created in 2005, received annual contributions from priests, parishes, and institutions, providing pensions to elderly priests. 这一举动被视为尼加拉瓜政权企图破坏尼加拉瓜教会的又一企图。 This move is seen as another attempt by the regime to undermine the Church in Nicaragua.